# Arch Linux Infrastructure overview How Arch keep's rolling #### Jelle van der Waa [<jelle@archlinux.org>](mailto:jelle@archlinux.org) --- # Overview 1. About me 2. Infrastructure overview 3. Monitoring 4. Management 5. Questions --- # $ whoami * Joined Arch Linux in 2010 * Developer @ Arch Linux (since 2017) * Involved in the security/devops team --- # Server overview * Six hetzner boxes (~ 8 core, 32-64 GB ram) * Eight servers donated by PIA --- # Services overview --- # Archweb * Provides the main website * Build using Django (Python framework) * To do lists for rebuilds * Developer dashboard * Provides several services (mirrors, etc.) --- # Archweb - Signoffs  --- # Archweb - To do lists  --- # Mirroring * Two tier system * Tier 1 syncs from archlinux.org (rsync) * Tier 2 syncs from Tier 1 --- # Archweb mirror monitoring * Periodically fetches lastsync to determine mirrors status * Pings mirrors from several locations https://www.archlinux.org/mirrors/kernel.org/212/ --- # Archweb package updates * A django managment command imports packages into the website * Feeds the RSS feed * Used for Developer dashboard * Todo lists (updated version in [staging]) * Imports PGP keys for displaying on the website --- # Build server * 24 core, 128 GB dedicated server * Provides a buildserver for Developer/Trusted Users * Ability to provide hosting for public_html for Dev's/TU's * Second buildserver located in Sinagpore (sgp.mirror.pkgbuild.com) --- # Communcation * mail (mail.archlinux.org) * quassel (quassel.archlinux.org) * matrix (matrix.archlinux.org) --- # AUR * The Arch User Repository * Written in PHP/Python * Hosted on one dedicated server (luna) ??? - cgit / performance issues - small mysql db still! 300 MB --- # DBscripts * Repository managament * Handles addition/removal/moving of packages to the repository --- # Wiki * Mediawiki * Private fork with some theming/branding * 18.833 pages * 30.000 users * Biggest Database (7GB) --- # BBS (FluxBB) * Forum * 88.300 registered users * 1.700.000 posts * ~ 5 GB DB --- # Bugtracker (flyspray) * Currently using flyspray * Want to migrate to bugzilla --- # Backups * Borg is used for backups * ~3 TB disk --- # Extra mirrors Provides mirrors underrepresented countries hosted on the PIA boxes --- # Security Tracker * Tracks CVE for Arch Linux packages * Separate team maintains https://security.archlinux.org --- # Security tracker * Python-flask miminal webservice * Tracks CVE's, Generates Advisory's * JSON API for advisories, see arch-audit ??? Mention that we need people in our security tracking team. --- # Archive https://archive.archlinux.org * 2.1 TB of archived packages * Used for reproducible builds and downgrades * Tooling https://github.com/archlinux/archivetools ??? Used to grow endlessly, had to write a custom script to remove unreferenced files for reproducible builds. Partly uploaded to archive.org --- # Arch Vagrant * Automated building of VBox images for vagrant --- # Mailman * self hosted mailman hosted for all our mailing lists --- # Git repo * Git repo for various projects --- # Misc * Staging ground for archweb * Patchwork instance * Kanboard * Torrent tracker * Phrik --- # Monitoring * Zabbix * Grafana dasbhoard ??? Demo dashboard # Monitoring - Services * custom scripts for monitoring systemd units * monitor cpu/memory usage per service * monitor failed units ??? Both are handled by a Python script with the dbus module to talk to systemd. --- # Monitoring - Rest * Perl scripts for monitoring * Borg monitoring * MySQL user/db status * Arch Audit for security issues ??? We've written custom tooling to monitor various things of interest. --- # Monitoring - Results! * Heavy MySQL usage for the AUR * Quicker security patching * Service monitoring spotted issue in cgit ??? Heavy MySQL stats ~ 300% CPU, resolved by nginx caching. Heavy CPU usage for cgit, due to not git gc'ing. --- # Management * Ansible is used to manage most of the servers * Managed by a small devops team (8 persons) Mailing list https://lists.archlinux.org/listinfo/arch-devops Ansible code https://git.archlinux.org/infrastructure.git/ --- # Ansible role * pacman is supported! * basic role to deploy our basic server * deploys ssh/tools/users/pubkeys --- # Future * Ansible more Arch! * LDAP * Bugzilla * Migrating from Luna --- # Help out * join #archlinux-devops * contribute ansible roles --- # Questions